Is there a God? What sort of God would you want there to be?

When life is easy we often see no need for God, or we want the ‘magic genie’ god—one who grants us whatever we want. But in reality, that sort of god is no use to us—it would be a god under our control, a small god. When life gets hard we need hope—we need a God bigger than our problems and one we can know.

Maybe your view of God has been distorted by soaring cathedrals—a glorious but distant God; or by fiery sermons—an eternally angry God, always ready to punish; or by hypocrisy among those who claim to follow God—sadly a common occurrence.

But what if the true God is different. Here’s a couple of key qualities Patrick wrote about from his own experience:

Good—“It’s a long story… as I tell of how the good God often freed me from slavery…” The good God?

Isn’t that our great suspicion: that among all the hard things which happen and that we don’t understand—if there is a God, that he isn’t actually good? It’s helpful to hear from someone who, amidst all the life-altering hard things, found this anchoring truth—God is good.

Powerful—If God is good, maybe he is not powerful? Hear Patrick again, “I was like a stone lying deep in the mud. Then he who is powerful came and lifted me up… turned the direction of my life to good” Perhaps you feel that your life is beyond recovery? There is a God powerful enough to “turn the direction of your life to good” too. Patrick and countless other Christians have found this to be true and the crucifixion and resurrection prove it also. God is powerful.

Knowable—God is not distant and high above you; you can know him. Patrick writes, “That is why I cannot be silent… when our lives change and we come to know God…” Not simply know about him, but actually know him—more than believing, being able to say with Patrick “the Lord my God.”

God is good, powerful and knowable—and when these three combine that’s when we can find and know real hope and help.

Patrick came to know the true and living God, and you can know him too. Here’s where it begins:

“My name is Patrick.
I am a sinner, a simple country person, and the least of all believers.
I recognised my failings. So I turned with all my heart to the Lord my God”